Those Who Remain: Book Three is out
Those Who Remain: Book Three is out!
You can now buy it on Amazon or read for free with Kindle Unlimited.
It has been a long journey, but it’s done! The trilogy is complete. Thank you everyone who read these books and supported them. Thank you for leaving reviews, for adding it to your Goodreads, for subscribing to my newsletter, or for simply coming here to read this!
Book 3 is the longest of the trilogy, and has some mysteries for you to resolve, so keep an eye for clues and maybe you can guess right the answers. I’m very proud of the book, and I hope everyone will enjoy it.
And if you do, why not post a review on Amazon? Your feedback is greatly appreciated it, and even a short review can help the book sell better and reach new readers!
Here’s the book’s description:
Paranoia and isolation can be dangerous. Far from their homes, the survivors must adapt and accept the consequences of their past mistakes to stay alive. While Laurie struggles to find her place in this new world, be it alone or under Jacob Hunter’s wing, Lily and Maria embark on a journey to save the world that might end in tragedy.
And what of Danny? Not even he knows.
Those Who Remain – Book 3 is the last book in the Those Who Remain trilogy.
And if you are hungry for more zombie novels, don’t worry! I’ll be back soon with a new book and more zombies. If you want to read free previews of my future books or read the books before anyone else as a beta, you can subscribe to my newsletter! It’s easy, quick, and my newsletters are sent only when I have something important to tell you.
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