Those Who Remain: Book Two is out!

Those Who Remain: Book Two is out! That’s the second book of my zombie trilogy. Now I have two books out, and that’s kind of crazy! and hopefully it’ll please readers of the first one. Now, time to get back to writing the last one… I’m planning on doing that during November, with the help of NaNoWriMo, see if I can speed the process a bit. I want to be the best book of all three and end it in a satisfying way.
Here’s the book’s description:
The longer someone survives in the Zombie Apocalypse, the worse things get. Ammo and hot water run out, and everyone gets cranky. The high survival rate of sociopaths doesn’t help either.
So it’s no wonder things are going from bad to worse for Danny. His town is being threatened by a band of mercenaries with a thirst for blood and their only chance of winning is Lily. Now alone, she’s determined to reach Redwood and save the very town that wanted her family gone.
Meanwhile, Dr. Maria and Seargent Tigh travel across snow-filled roads toward the unlikely chance of civilization. They might have better luck than Peter and Laurie, who are trying to survive in the woods by themselves.
But we can’t forget a certain briefcase…
Those Who Remain: Book Two is part of a trilogy.

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